terça-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2011

In English

Olá, pessoal! Depois do susto de alguns (perdão), eis uma novidade: uma poema em inglês. Espero que gostem e, em breve, talvez, eu poste uma tadução ou algo do gênero.

Words and Feelings
(By the way, how much?)
I gave to you

Always messing
Never translating
What each other was trying
to say

And I was riding
And riding
And riding
(or just trying)
On them

In this grid
I got lost
(But, who said it was bad?)
Your name,
Word and feeling,
Was the only certainty
(Was it?)

Finally, sigh:

Poetry and Passion
Two words,
Same thing,
Different places,
A only and confusing heart
(That’s it?)


2 comentários:

Lucas Igor disse...

Sou rodeado de gênios mesmo, hein? Nunca ia imaginar um poema totalmente em inglês. Se garantiu muito!

Everton Castro de Almeida disse...

Hey guy, to be sincere I couldn't realize how good was this poem when I read it for the first time. It's unbelieveable the way you "espreme" the words 'till they say what you meant ( at least what I think you meant). You always do it a lot well, but doing that in english left me surprised. I'm hoping for the next...